Centaurea behen
Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Compositae
Group: Angiosperms
Synonymous names: Centaurea behen, Centanrea behen
System of medicine: Unani

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Plant - Therapeutic use associations

Indian medicinal plantPlant partTherapeutic useTherapeutic use identifiersReferences
Centaurea behenrootAphrodisiacsMESH:D001046, UMLS:C0003567ISBN:9788172361266, Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Centaurea behenrootCalculiMESH:D002137, UMLS:C0006736ISBN:9788172361266
Centaurea behenrootFatigueMESH:D005221, UMLS:C0015672, ICD-11:MG22Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Centaurea behenrootHeart diseasesMESH:D006331, UMLS:C0018799, DOID:114, ICD-11:BC4ZStandardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Centaurea behenrootJaundiceMESH:D007565, UMLS:C0022346, ICD-11:ME10.1ISBN:9780387706375, ISBN:9788172361266
Centaurea behenrootIncrease physical endurance, strength and staminaMESH:D010807Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Centaurea behenrootUrinary bladder calculiMESH:D001744, UMLS:C0005683, ICD-11:GB71.0Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Centaurea behenrootSexual debilityMESH:D012735, UMLS:C0549622, DOID:1876Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V